Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sad day.

So, today was trucking along as any Wednesday does. Until lunch. My boss came into the therapy offices where many of us gather over sack lunches to visit. She shared that one of the pharmacists at the hospital jumped off a Topeka bridge this morning and died. His mom is also a well-known and liked nurse on the rehab unit. Nothing sadder than to hear someone was at such a low place to end their life. Tony, like myself, works throughout the hospital on each floor, so was a well-known face to all nurses, doctors and therapists alike. Although a Jayhawk fan, he was friendly, smart and kind. It states in the article reporting his death, that he suffered from bipolar disorder and had recently stopped taking his medication. This is a battle that one of my childhood friends also struggled with in recent years and she past away in January. Very sad.

We will all really miss working with Tony. Prayers go out to his family. Makes me appreciate each of my friends and family all the more; you are all a wonderful part of my life and it wouldn't be the same without you.


Lacey said...

I just saw this story on the news. So sad! Let me know if you need anything.

Native Stone Company, Inc. said...

Michelle, I'm so sorry that you knew him.. I had talked to others yesterday that knew him as well, and the story is just so sad. Hopefully he is finally at peace now.